About RanchSense

Our Mission

Our mission is to use technology to better enable landowners to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness with which they steward the land, care for their animals, and provide for the recreation of their families and others.

Our Beliefs

We believe that land ownership is a blessing and that, as owners, we are obliged to be the best stewards of that land possible.

We believe that we don’t actually possess the land, we are simply taking care of it for the next generation.

Our Founder

We started by solving our own problems first.

RanchSense was born out of the need that Jimmy Chapman had to address his own struggles as a landowner. Jimmy spent a lot of time driving back and forth to his ranch checking water, gates, deer feeders and livestock but his options to keep tabs on the ranch were limited and required Jimmy to either drive or pay someone to do it for him.

Jimmy understood how frustrating it could be to be an absentee landowner and he knew that if he was facing these challenges, it only made sense that others were dealing with them as well.

RanchSense was the perfect opportunity to take existing and emerging Internet of Things “(IOT)” technology into a traditionally underserved market, specifically ranching and recreational absentee landowners.

The goal is to help landowners reap the rewards of being able to more effectively steward their land while reducing the need for manpower, increasing the usable life of vehicles and machinery, and maximizing the utility of the land.

RanchSense Just Makes Sense

Let's talk about how RanchSense can meet your needs!
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